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Nini Love

Oct 25

Day 3

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Nini seemed just a little bit depressed today. We had such a good day yesterday, but it feels like we had 2 steps forward and now maybe 1/2 a step back. She wouldn’t eat her medicine and treats this morning, and I couldn’t get her to eat them until midday. But she was eating and drinking normally, so that’s good.

I thought for a minute about setting up a towel on the lounge chair outside and having some supervised outside time with her. But I don’t think I’m up for that. I’m in a little bit of recovery mode myself. I haven’t slept for more than a few hours at a time since Nini’s accident, and I feel a head cold coming on. Maybe outside time tomorrow.

After some discussion with my partner we decided that it would be better for Nini to sleep on the bed with me instead of by herself in the x-pen. He very sweetly offered to sleep in his kid’s bunk bed while they are at their Moms house so Nini and I can have the bed to ourselves.

Safe and snuggly in her fort

I made a fort so she can be under the covers and blocked off one side of the bed, so that if she gets up she has to walk over me and will wake me up and I can stop her if she decides she wants to jump off the bed.

This worked out pretty well. She woke up 3 or 4 times to drink water. And every time I wasn’t sure if she needed to use the litter box, so I put her off the bed just to be sure. I got about 1.5 hours of sleep punctuated by 20 minutes of helping her. So not a great night sleep for me but I think Nini was much happier being on the bed.

3 comments so far

  1. benny55
    9:56 pm - 10-25-2022

    Often we see a vit of a “crash” right about now. All the good hospital meds are out of her system and she may, or may not, need a little bit of tweaking the pain meds if you think she is showing pain signs. It does really seem like he’s doing very wellthough. It is good she’s drinking. Just continue to give her any yummy treats/food she’ll eat for now. The meds can mess her appetite up a little bit sometimes.
    And your partner gets extra points for being will to sleep in the kid’s bed. He’s a keeper!!
    Now YOU mist take care of your self. Getting to this poi t kn the journey is exhausting mentally and physically and lack of sleep can absolutely play havoc with your health and overall well being! Actually sleeping in the Xpen one more. night or two may be good for both of you. We all tend to hover and be helicopter aware ts in the beginning and that can actually stress our furbabies out as they try to reclaim their normal routines.
    Ear scratches to Nina and YOU get some rest!!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • ninilove
      12:36 am - 10-26-2022

      Thanks for the advice Sally! Yes, I am a little exhausted and do need to take care of myself so I can be the best care taker for her. It is hard to stop the helicopter! But I do have great support. My partner is a total keeper! He’s been great through this whole ordeal and loves Nini almost as much as I do 😉

  2. jerry
    5:29 pm - 10-26-2022

    He IS a keeper! Very sweet. I’m glad the bed fort worked out well. Rest is medicinal for both of you so be sure to catch plenty of zzzzs.

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