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Nini Love

Oct 24

Nini’s surgery went well and I brought her home the day after her surgery. I was so overjoyed to see her, I burst into tears in the parking lot as I carried her towards the car. She was alert but seemed really tired and spent the 45 minute car ride resting.

I set up an enclosure for her in our bedroom using an X-pen. I spent the day getting her space set up – washing blankets, vacuuming and buying non-clumping litter.

When I first brought her home, I put her carrier in the enclosure and helped her out and onto her heating pad. I immediately took off the plastic cone the vet had put on her and spent the evening sitting with her. She was alert but a little drugged and seemed unable to get comfortable. It seemed like she wanted to rest her head down, but would not set it down. I put a folded towel under her head, which helped a little but she still seemed uncomfortable.

She didn’t really get up and walk around, but she did scoot around trying to get comfortable.

I slept in the enclosure with her which was not very comfortable but I figured I wasn’t going to sleep very well that night anyway. I put her cone collar back on her before I laid down, which she tolerated fine. A couple hours after lights out, I hear and feel her moving around and she is almost on my lap. At first I thought she was trying to snuggle and get comfort, but then I realized she was trying to get out of the enclosure. Nini hates being confined so I thought she just needed to get out. I helped her out and she bee lines it for the bathroom, where her little box is. Even though I had set up a litter box in the enclosure using an old cookie sheet, her habit of going into the bathroom to use her litter box was just too strong.

She was pretty drugged up, and every step she took she fell down either face first or on her side. It was hard to see her like this, but I was also so encouraged that at least she was trying to move so soon after surgery. I quickly grabbed the cookie sheet litter box and moved it into the bathroom. She flopped down on it and immediately starting peeing.

I brought her back to the enclosure and the rest of the night was uneventful, although I could hear and feel her moving around a lot, like she was still not able to get comfortable.



4 comments so far

  1. benny55
    4:46 pm - 10-25-2022

    None is home, surgery is successful and recov has started! YAY!
    Yeah, recovery is no picnic at first, but Ni a is clearly showing g she’s up for the challenge. Trying to get out of “kitty prison ” to use her own bathroom is just precious….and a good sign of her determination!!
    Keep doi g what you’re doing. Slow and easy a d let her recover at her own pace. A few face plants at first happen, so no worries. She’ll get her gait worked out soon.
    Keep is posted on how she’s doing and let us know if you jave any questions, o,ay?
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • ninilove
      6:55 pm - 10-25-2022

      Yes, Nini still has a very strong spirit and I think that will really help her in her recovery! Thanks so much for following on our journey. It really means a lot to feel so supported by others who have gone through this!

  2. jerry
    5:20 pm - 10-25-2022

    Awwww Nini! You poor sweet thing. I’m glad you are home now and doing better I hope. Yes it’s SO HARD to see our fur kids all loopy from surgery. If you want any support join us in the forums OK?

    I hope you get the pathology results back soon. If it is osteosarcoma, you are in a community where other feline parents have dealt with it so you are not alone. Keep us posted.

    • ninilove
      6:56 pm - 10-25-2022

      Thank you Jerry! Yes, I’ve been sulking in the forums as well but haven’t posted yet. There is so much info on this site all my questions have already been answered!

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